By PCG Coach Rick Shultz
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Winning With Glutes
These are the muscles under discussion
Les Woodland's book Cycling's World Championships: The Inside Story is available as an audiobook here.
Your glutes can generate huge power, but only when firing. Off-season, weight room workouts are needed to strengthen this forsaken muscle group when cycling. The glutes are made up of the Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius (aka Glute-Meds) and the Gluteus Minimus. The Gluteus Maximus is one of the largest and strongest muscles in the body and is used to drive your hip movement.
"I have seen too many cyclists that don’t activate their glutes–and there are 50 watts there!" - PCG founder Hunter Allen
In the gym, you can do basic glute strengthening exercises. Here are 9 great ones that will help strengthen the glutes.
Before you can activate them, you have to know what they feel like when firing. In addition to doing the exercises above, two simple ways to feel your glutes engaging are:
Gluteus Medius muscle
This part is a little more difficult to explain. For example, several years ago, I asked a pro “how do pro-cyclists pedal differently than the rest of us?” He said, “I pedal with my hips.” It took me about a year of trial and error pedaling to figure it out, but when I did, the pedaling seemed effortless, the power shot up and I was holding more power for longer periods of time. Glute activation is the same thing.
It’s best to practice the tips below and see how you can make them work. You will know when you get it right. Here are the common ways to (re)position yourself to make the glutes fire.
Here’s a bike fit I did for a Triathlete. Half-way through the bike fit, I showed him how to rotate his hips so that he flattened his back and started to engage his glutes. It’s a little hard to see (right foot in AFTER photo), but by rotating his hips correctly, he also was pedaling more flat-footed through the bottom of the pedal stroke.
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